Tuesday, October 30, 2012


This is a very short picture dump since the majority of my pictures are still unaccessable in my non-functioning computer. Luckily Charlotte has been extremely generous with her computer and I was able to finally purge my phone of some recent stuff.

Charlotte, Katie and I found an Indian restaurant in Antigua. Food was actually really great, though the prices were a little up there.

Mmmm samosas... Not a huge Indian fan (too many spices for my bland palate), but I do love me some mashed potatoes wrapped in dough

One of the kids who's been staying at the clinic, Maria, made a new friend: a baby iguana who keeps hanging out on the building. He was surprisingly cool with being handled

I continue to visit my favorite restaurant Ratatouille whenever I can. Here's some awesome lasagna I had last week. That salad is a warm fruit salad with honey mustard sauce. Sounds gross, but it was SO GOOD

OMG I FOUND THE BIGGEST SPIDER! This thing was awful, like a spider/crab hybrid. To make things worse, this was in the clinic during my shift, meaning that it was completely up to me to relocate it. I ended up succeeding, but not before revealing my true pansy self to all of the sick kids. Big bugs freak me out.

This month was Janelle's birthday. We had a cake to celebrate and I made some eggplant parm for everyone.

Oh, and speaking of dinners, Liz made us all this really good paella-type stuff. It was bascially rice with sausage, chicken and shrimp in it. Very tasty.

And finally, Tia Rosa brought us all apples one day. This is the first apple I've eaten since leaving the states. They're so expensive here! Can't wait to go home and get my fill :)

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