So I'm walking to work today and Tia Rosa is standing out front of the clinic waiting for me. She asks me what I have planned for the day and I tell her that my schedule is pretty open. "Excellent", she says. "I have something for you to do." With that she reaches out her hands and tries to hand me a clearly near-dead bird. I ask if she wants me to put it in the woods, she says no, she wants me to heal it. She knows nothing of what happened to the bird, she apparently just found it on the ground in it's death throes and thought it would be a nice gift for me. We take it into the clinic and I make a little bed for it on my desk, then proceed to stare at it until it stops breathing. My way of helping the bird was helping it find its way to the garbage can.
I tell Tia Rosa the news and proceed to get busy on my computer. A few minutes later Tia Rosa is standing over my shoulder talking about how sad it was that I let my little bird die. I've gotten quite used to ignoring her since her favorite pastime is to tease me. Usually she walks away after a few moments of the silence treatment, but she was lingering longer than usual. Then I noticed that she's holding her hand really close to my head. I turn to see what she's doing and come face to face with ANOTHER bird!
She tells me that it has a broken wing and I need to take care of it. Wtf?! Where was she getting these birds from? I accused her of attacking birds for the sole purpose of gifting them to me (which she denied, though I saw a flash of something in her eyes. Guilt??) She tried to hand me the bird but I told her I needed a cage if I was going to keep it in my house for several weeks while it's wing healed. Sadly I don't know the word for cage so I asked for a "special box for birds." She handed me a cardboard box, wished me luck and walked away.
I kept the box open on my desk for the day and he seemed to be pretty happy. I gave him a medicine cup of water and some leftover rice from lunch (which he actually ate). Apparently the rice had amazing healing properties because as I was cleaning up from lunch he flew out of the box and up into the rafters of the storage room. I spent the rest of the day trying to coax the bird down from the twenty foot ceiling which proved to be absolutely unsuccessful. Tia Rosa declared me to be a horrible father for abandoning my baby in the rafters to die, but sadly there's not much to be done. Now I get to listen to him tweeting frantically from the next room over as he tries in vain to get out. Maybe once dehydration sets in he'll fall down to the floor and I can try for a second rescue attempt?
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