Saturday, May 19, 2012

Volcano eruption!!

Well there goes the punchline for this story, but yeah, the title pretty much sums it up. Stephanie, Charlotte and I were walking through Antigua late tonight to being a friend back to his hotel. He was visting Guatemala for the week and staying in a pretty ritzy place, so we decided to be nosy and poke around. We were walking through the gardens trying to admire the flowers in the dark, when the dude said, "Oh and that volcano exploded so everyone's all excited right now." We were pretty nonchalant about it since the volcano explodes all the time (usually at least once a week) and sends up a big plume of smoke. Then it occurred to me, how are they seeing that smoke so late at night? It's pitch black out...

We turned the corner and there was the volcano with a huge river of lava flowing down it!! All three of us bugged out. After being here for almost six months, this was the first time I've actually seen lava! It was bubbling out of the top and running down the sides, super amazing. Sadly my iphone just barely caught traces of it. This was the one time I was kicking myself for not lugging my fancy camera to Guatemala (though in fairness I probably wouldn't have thought to bring my camera to a simple dinner get-together in Antigua).

I filmed as best I could and had a few laughs at the expense of the rich tourists (who went to ask the people at the front desk if they should evacuate. The volcano is miles away). We stuck around for about a half hour, then took a taxi home while we watched the mountain churning out lava through the windshield.) It was a totally amazing experience, I only wish I had better footage to share with you!

(If you full-size this you can see a little more action)

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