Way back when, I used to be a total introvert. I barely spoke, had few friends and absolutely HATED having attention drawn to myself. Some of those tendencies still flare up once in a while, but for the most part now I'm just a ol' attention hog. Okay, that's a flat out lie, but I DO love seeing all the people who read my blog and follow my stories, especially when said people are from other far-away exotic locations!! Just this month I've had visitors from Russia, Germany, Chile, Ukraine, Panama, Latvia (where the heck is Latvia?!), France and Thailand!! I love that random people are popping by and showing interest in my story! The only thing that stinks though is other than a little blip on my visitor map, I know nothing about you people! That being said, I'd like to extend an invitation to continue your stalking through an easier medium: Facebook :) Get access to other photos that I didn't post here, receive instant notifications when I post a new story (via me shouting about it on my Wall) and also hear more about my interesting life that's not quite interesting enough to make my blog, such as "Man, I'm really hungry" or "I HATE MONDAYS!!" Neither of those are real examples, no worries. I will, however, post lots of amazingly awesome links of tree kangaroos doing cute things, so you don't want to miss out on that.
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