It's funny how when two normal events line up just right in your life, they can become truly magical. As I've been bitching about for the last three weeks, my wallet was stolen. There have been several consequences to this event, one of which is an inability to buy food. Do not fret! I have not wasted away yet (though I HAVE earned the nickname of the Pauper). The school supplies me with enough food to survive, though it's not a joyful existence... Ah, but I jest. The food here is fine. It's not good, but it's fine. Adequate. However, this means that I now have no choice but to eat rice and beans twice a day and the supplemental "real food" is a thing of the past. No more chicken stir fry. No more tuna fish sandwiches. No more scrambled eggs. It's been rice and beans for two weeks now and I'm not very happy.
Luckily I have my visit home to look forward to and as luck would have it, my family has asked me to compile a list of foods that I'd like to eat while I'm back. This couldn't come at a better (worse?) time. Forget my homesteading blogs, forget facebook. My new time killer is looking up pictures of food on google. I stare at the forty images of pasta in front of me and imagine the taste of it; knowing that SOON it will be mine. Without further adieu, I present to you... my food list.
I don't care that there isn't a healthy item on this list. I plan on having a week and a half of unbridled indulgence; a reminder of all the amazingly awful things that await my return. I hope you all join me (and bring me gifts of food)
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