Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Story time!

Things have been going good here. I had a really lazy day yesterday so I didnt feel it was necessary to write about it. I basically just laid around in bed after class and talked with my sisters on Skype. I watched a few movies and did some cross-stitching, nothing too exciting. I had a new thing for dinner last night. I went to the family's house and the only thing on the table was a basket of tortillas, a bowl of spagetti sauce and a bowl of jello. I didn't eat right away because I thought she would bring out meat or beans or something for the tortillas and she never did. I saw the kids putting plain tortillas on their plates and pouring sauce on them so I just copied them, all the while thinking "This is the crappiest dinner I've ever paid for." But then I realized they had a layer of ricotta-like cheese in them! They were like giant raviolis, they're called pupsas de queso. Que delicioso! I could have eaten like ten of them, but I had two and then came home and ate a bunch of pineapple. We had a fun conversation during dinner. We talked about church and being a good Catholic. They asked me if I had been an alter boy and we all had a good laugh about that.
My classes have been going really well. I have two new teachers this week, a young 23 year old girl who's really shy but funny, and then in the afternoon I have a 30 year old dude who is also really funny. He keeps making fun of my bad Spanish :) Speaking a new language is kind of like playing charades, you find yourself acting stuff out a lot. I'm always making muscles and pretending to be pregnant and pointing at things. It's like a non-stop game. At the store yesterday I couldnt remember the name for envelopes so I had to try to describe them to one of the employees. I was like "It's white and rectangle. Its made of paper. You put letter inside of it. What am I?" UN SOBRE! Exacto! Of course when you can't think of ways to describe things you feel like an ass, but most of the time I can get my point across. It'll be nice when I dont have to act things out anymore. I really need to memorize the word for monkeys...
Another fun thing about school is I get to tell my stories to them in really broken Spanish. I've told my ghost story (with the dude who sat on my bed) and the story about my mom traumatizing me with the doll to SO MANY PEOPLE here. It's kind of awesome. They take so long to tell because I have to act everything out, I feel like I'm putting on a one-man play. "De repente, yo oi (hold hand next to ear) la muneca (hold hand close to ground to represent small doll) camine (use fingers to show walking) a mi cama (hold hands near chest to represent me with my blankets)" It's really funny.
Woohoo! Great news, the manager at the school pulled me aside after my morning class and told me that she's going to have a television put into my room tonight! I'm curious to see what kind of shows they have here since the only things that we get in the US are weird variety shows and soap operas. It's a good way to practice my Spanish too AND I'm trying not to get too hopeful here but MAYBE, just maybe, they'll have some of my TV shows here :D Does NBC broadcast outside of the US? I guess I'll find out in a few hours.
Also, guess who found peanut butter!! Only $9 for an imported jar of JIF. Worth it, in my opinion.


  1. You mean pupusas de queso? Yeah, I love pupusas. My godmother (who is from El Salvador) used to make them but full of frijoles instead. Yuuuum! So glad you were able to find peanut butter! You know, it's definitely an American thing. When I visit my parents in Dominican Republic, they always have to buy it for me and it's not a DR brand, always imported for the gringos living among them. If you need to practice writing to someone in Spanish, I'd love to practice with you. I feel my Spanish esta medio gringito and need to practice myself. I had forgotten what an envelope in Spanish was until I read the next sentence (I think that was the prior entry). Love reading your entries! :)

  2. Yep! Pupusas! That's what I get for writing too fast! I think my written spanish would give you a headache, there's a reason I'm only putting one word here or there in my entries, haha. Cuando yo soy un poco mejor te escribira :)

  3. Hey Elvis would have loved that dish. Does it come with Penut butter. Ha Ha. How can we get this to you????

  4. I know I mis-spelled Peanut butter. God Bless Karen C. Goin to look into Skype. When you get to 50, as I am, maybe you will not see to well either
