Donation time! NPH couldn't survive without donations from other countries. We get food, clothes, medical supplies and money from all over the place. It's actually really funny to see kids here running around in T shirts that folks in the States donated. A lot of them are for school field days, 10Ks and old concerts. The kids will occasionally ask me to translate what they say, but for the most part they run around having absolutely no clue what their shirts say (this holds the same for lots of agencies in Guatemala. The other day I saw an old man walking around in a Tori Amos shirt and while I can't know for certain, I doubt he was a Tori fan). Anyway, a big group of visitors just came from the US. They had been staying in the clinic since we were short on beds at the organization and then yesterday they came in to let me know that they had a huge donation for the clinic. I was really happy since the donations really help us a lot.
Here's what 25 suitcases of donated goods look like!
Dr Nicole admires a bag full of toothpaste
Here's something else to add to my list of new things learned: how to give someone an enema when you don't have any Fleet enemas on hand. Not too challenging, just take a bottle of normal saline, add 10cc of surgical soap and a catheter and run on full. Worked like a charm
The other day we had chicharron for lunch which I'm thinking is the same as pork rinds. I've never had nor seen pork rinds before, but I think it's the same idea; basically chunks of pig skin that have been deep fried. The nurses were in a tizzy when they heard and they sent me to the cafeteria to ask for double the number of servings we actually needed (something they've NEVER done before). They made a mad dash for the bowl when I got back but were nice enough to hold themselves at bay while I snapped a photo. I tried a few but thought they were totally disgusting.
But here IS a lunch that I liked! It's just cabbage in a red sauce over rice. Nothing fancy but it tasted really good and was super filling!
Have I mentioned how freakishly large carrots are here?
Have I also mentioned how totally normal it is for 17 year old boys to snuggle during movies?
This week I went to La Familia (the local bar) with Holger, Dani, Myriam and two of the Tios. We had a really awesome time, talked a lot, listened to some music and then ended the evening with some dancing (of which I was only a bystander)
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