BUT! The rainbow to all this dreary news is I got my lab results back and everything is a-ok with my blood. I don't know if the pause in medication would have affected things that quickly or if I have my sudden passion for staying well hydrated to thank, but either way everything is fine so now I can start on a low dose again and get my head right. I'm glad for it and I know in another week or two I'll start to feel normal again. Until then I need to find happier books. I wanted a quick read to distract myself today and I had downloaded a free copy of The Giver a while ago, so I figured I could rip through that in a few hours. Dear Lord! What a horribly depressing book. I must have daydreamed through the last half of it in grade school because I had zero memory of it beyond the first few chapters. Anyway, I'm off to watch Mothra vs Godzilla because nothing makes me smile like the little island Priestesses singing the Mothra song (and watching small-scale models being destroyed).

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