Since our department is really small in comparison the others, we got to work with the psych department. I have a lot of friends in psych (no surprise ;) so I was happy to work with them, that is until they elected me to put on a comedy skit to open up the meeting. Yeah, not going to happen. I'd rather open up the meeting my eating my own heart. Public speaking is one thing, improve comedy is completely different (and something I'm well aware that I have zero talent for). Luckily I was able to put my foot down on that issue and we agreed on a different theme. We ended up splitting everyone up into teams of 16 and having them compete against each other through a series of games. I was super nervous about the whole thing, but it ended up going really well!
This is game I was in charge of. I forget the name of it, something in Spanish that I didn't understand, but basically each group holds hands in a circle. We hang a hula hoop on a set of their arms and they need to pass the hula hoop around the circle without letting go of their hands. It's a little more complicated than it sounds and the more folks you have, the more fun it is! Totally a fun game for the next family picnic ;) Your next family picnic that is, my family doesn't do this stuff.
This game elicited the most laughs. Each team stands on opposite sides of a barrier (in our case, a blanket). One member of each team approaches the blanket which is then quickly removed. The first member to identify the other person my name wins a point. I suck at names and everyone here knows me since I'm one of the only dudes, so I would have failed miserably if I was playing.
This was the most violent of all the games. Each team is assigned a color of balloon. They tie the balloons to their shoes and then proceed to attack members of the other team by smashing their feet down and attempting to pop the other teams balloons. Whatever team keeps the most balloons wins. It was fun in a totally anxiety-provoking way.
And finally, the bane of fat people everywhere. The thought that this game even existed haunted me through my entire school-gym life. A rope is tied neck level across two points and your team needs to lift each member over the rope until the entire team is on the opposite side of the rope. This can be done with a wall, too. As soon as this game was proposed I argued that it would embarrass people in front of their coworkers and we should choose something else, but they stuck to their guns. I was able to successfully argue a clause where one member of each team could start on the other side of the rope, though. God i would have hated to play that game. It seems like everyone had a really good time though. It was definitely the most challenging game (and did end with at least one employee being tossed over the rope, only to smash face-first into the ground on the other side) but it also seemed to give them the most sense of accomplishment and team congruency.
All together we had an awesome time. The winning team got a bag of shampoo (um, the prize options sucked. We had to use donations) and then we all had some ice cream. I had this weird yellow flavor. It tasted like butterscotch at first but then quickly morphed to this really bitter fruit flavor. Apparently it's some other new fruit that I haven't encountered here yet, but it seemed to be the favorite among everyone so I tried to at least look like I was enjoying it out of consideration for those who weren't able to snag one before they ran out.
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