Saturday, August 27, 2011

Southern Irene photos/NY prepares

Here are some photos from The first few are from areas currently being hit, North Carolina and Virginia. Imagine being the folks in those houses that are now in the ocean. That's why you evacuate when they tell you to :/

Here are some pics of folks in NY getting ready. Naturally all of the stores have sold out of everything useful at this point. They've evacuated a few neighborhoods to emergency shelters. Due to the ASPCA pointing out that a lot of animals are going tobe stranded for days without food/water, the city has agreed to open the shelters to pets too. Here's a family bringing their birds along to safety.

Things here are super quiet right now. The sky's gray but not oppressively so. Its a little breezy and drizzly, nothing scary yet. I just made a batch of brownies and finished Project Runway. So far everything is going spectacularly :)

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