...we're fine. No damage, no downed trees or broken windows. There wasn't even any thunder or lightening! (Is there usually thunder and lightening with hurricanes?) I woke up this morning at 10 to a bright, albiet cloudy sky, no rain, steady breeze. Brady and I went out to investigate and I was a little surprised by how normal everything was, just a few extra leaves on the ground and some backed up storm drains (which happens every time we get a heavy rain.) The only thing that made it feel any different than normal was that its COMPLETELY dead outside. The bodega is closed, not a single other person was outside. It was really nice actually. It feels really cool and breezy right now, made me think of October weather (which is my favorite, so I was digging it.) No power outages the whole night (thanks to the underground power lines in NY!).
Here's some flooding in Queens on the LIE (photo credit to Milo P)
They're actually saying that NJ ended up doing worse than us, they're dealing with some heavy flooding and power loss. Here are some pics that some of my facebook friends posted (photo credit to Emma C, Sara S, Adrienne R, Danielle A and someone posting for the Vernon PD-in that order):
So what to do with a whole day ahead of me and city that's effectively closed... post hurricane BBQ perhaps?
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