Friday, July 6, 2012

More randomness!

I grabbed some more pictures from our day at Xesuj

Today was pancake day for breakfast! And here's how we eat pancakes in Guatemala. First, put jelly down the middle...

Roll it up and then eat it with your hands :)

This week was chock full of flu shots! Here's me working my magic with one of the Tios

I was doing shifts this week so I had to miss the welcome dinner for the new volunteers. One of the old volunteers Liz made me a special treat because she felt bad! If only all gifts came in the form of homemade macaroni and cheese :D

Since half the volunteers are getting ready to leave, its time to start writing in some books! One of the cool things we do here for the volunteers is keep memory books. They're kind of like yearbooks; when someone is leaving everyone write a few pages in there and puts in photos about all the things they did together. I'm both incredibly sentimental and emotionally needy so I LOVE the thought of bringing home a book full of nice things people wrote about me :)

Check out the artwork the kids did on the stairs

I love these kids. They're a brother and sister that are new to NPH and they're teased mercilessly in their sections. They're super sweet and shy. I've added them to my list of kids to potentially support after I get home :)

There are a ton other projects here in Guatemala to help kids. One of the ones that we work with is called The Memory Project ( Kids from the United States are given photos of NPH kids. They paint portraits from them and then send them back here. All the kids have paintings hanging up next to their beds, it's pretty cool :)

And finally, I want to leave you with something memorable. Here is a tooth, specifically a pig's tooth. Why yes, it was an added bonus to yesterday's lunch! o_0

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