My dear readers. Sometimes it's hard to come up with things to write about; as I fall into a routine here, days pass by without anything truly interesting happening and I find myself having to spend a lot of time brainstorming about what I want to share. Today is the opposite of that. Today I was counting down the minutes to get home and blog because I have a SPECTACULAR story to reveal to you...
It all starts with something that happened two or three weeks ago. I was outside hanging out with one of the other volunteers (the one who reminds me exactly of Tom Mitchell- this only gets stronger as I get to know him more). We were making small talk when I mentioned something about my old cabin. He turned to me and inadvertently said one of the most offense things I've ever heard: "Oh really? You don't strike me as an outdoor/cabin type." WHAT?!?! And this is while (no lie) I was dressed in plaid and chopping wood. Now my image is something that's important to me and it made me take a step back and think about the way I'm presenting myself here. Granted, this dude and I don't know each other really well, so that accounts for part of it. It also made me realize though that when I introduce myself to people here I say I'm from NYC. They must categorize me as city folk and move on! In order to remedy this situation, I decided to grow out my beard in full force. It's probably getting close to being the longest it's been, another few weeks and I should have something really impressive on my hands!
That's not the story though. HERE's the story. Not so much a story as it is a statement, actually. Since it's Lent now (wait, it is Lent, right?) we're doing a religious celebration every Friday until Easter. This week we're doing the Stations of the Cross, and guess who they asked to be Jesus? YES! I can hear the Angel weeping... Naturally I drip Catholic goodness and my amazing beard just catapulted me right over the top. Friday I get to don my robe and sandals and lug a huge-ass cross through the streets followed by a crowd of hundreds of children. My dreams are being realized.
I'm actually really excited for this for a few reasons. Naturally, there the fact that the church and I have been frenemies for a long time, and while I would consider myself a person of high moral standing, their opinion of me would probably differ slightly. Part of me feels like I'm infiltrating a secret club, I'm excited! On a more serious level though, I'm also really happy to be partaking in something that's obviously very important to the kids and staff here. And also I know they asked me because I have huge muscles and am one of the few people with enough strength to carry it for a mile. Yes, you heard that right. I have to drag the cross from the neighboring town, through the streets and up onto NPH property. If my muscles weren't impressive before they certainly will be after this.
Obviously, new facebook profile pic to follow shortly.
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