Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Macadamia Plantation

Okay, so in reality I went to this macadamia farm weeks ago, but I never got around to posting pics. It probably has to do with the fact that this was one of the more boring tours I went on, but maybe you guys will find it a little more interesting. Either way, I have pictures and I want them off my desktop, so here it goes.
Here's a tree. It has mandarines on it, not macadamia nuts.

I dont have any pictures of macadamia nuts in trees because they all had already been picked, so just imagine what they would look like up in a tree. Good. Next, they all get picked and put onto a big tray to dry out while they wait to be sorted.

The farmer dude then rolls them down this little chute where they fall into bags depending on their size.

Then he dumps the bag into this machine that shells the nuts. The shells are used as organic compost, the nuts get shipped to packaging plants in the United States.

Well, that's about it! The tour probably took the same amount of time as it took you to read this. I will say this though, they had pretty awesome chocolate covered macadamia nuts for sale. Kind of wish I had splurged for the big bag.

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